I believe it’s possible to live in a world where we are all deeply, lovingly connected to our truest selves, to each other, to the earth and to Spirit.

A world where we offer the gifts of our soul from a place of fullness, and our contribution is received and celebrated by our community. A world where we are each free to be who we are at our core, a freedom that respects and honours all beings and protects them from exploitation. A world of care, creativity and wholeness, where natural cycles are honoured and all beings are peaceful and free. Where we let Life move us and express through us.

The possibility of this vision is calling me, and if you’re here, possibility is calling you too.

Maybe you resonate: We are sensitive humans who care deeply about humanity and the earth, and when we look around at the clusterfuck of the current state of things, we can’t take it anymore.

Things are out of balance.

It’s so painful to see and feel the suffering, painful to feel like it’s too big to do anything about. 

Despite that.. Because of that..
I believe this is our moment.

The old systems and structures are being dredged, dislodging lots of shite for composting. Life is calling on us to open our awareness, to drop deeper, and Be with what is, to transform this shite into something better, something new.

So what’s in the way of us doing that? 

I believe we have been taught to live on the surface of our true nature, and as a collective we are out of balance. We’re taught to consume instead of create, to rationalise and think in limiting ways, to ignore our feelings, callings, instincts, bodies. To forget our power and sovereignty and uniqueness, and that of others. We are taught to fear the depths of ourselves, to grasp, grip, try, fight, numb out to stay afloat, and avoid going under.

I know what it’s like to feel the calling and feel afraid.

I know what it’s like to feel Life asking something of me, and feel unable to meet the moment. To live on the surface as the unknown beckons me deeper. If you’re here, I’m sure you know this feeling, too. And since you’re here, maybe you’ve reached the tipping point - there is always a point, where to stay on the surface and maintain the status quo becomes more painful than the fear of letting go. We teeter at the tipping point until the precise moment arrives and we are ready to answer the call and go within.

The liminal space is where I begin to serve my clients, by activating the seed of possibility within them, by being with them as they answer the call.

Together, we build inner resourcefulness and capacity to Be with and feel safer in themselves. As we connect with and honour the client’s unique pace and needs, they learn to trust their instincts, to drop deeper into connection with their inner wisdom. Gently, slowly, in perfect timing, we journey into the depths, the unknown, the mystery, to meet our true selves. In this place, there is everything one needs to flourish. Here lives the divine within, our innate intelligence and our Presence, the medicine we most need.

Here, lives stillness. And out of the stillness, the seed of our uniqueness emerges, and we gently begin to dance with Life and let it move through us in the most nourishing, fulfilling, meaningful way. We gestate in this liminal space until instincts guide us to return to the surface with precious treasure to be shared and expressed with the world. 

I serve my clients in this way because I see how tiny tweaks at the deepest level of our body-mind-soul organism lead to ripples, then waves, of long term transformation and impact. I have seen this process play out in my own life and how this impacts those closest to me.

And when more of us are activated in this way, the impact is multiplied.

Together we are stronger, together we rise and create a better future, one that is regenerative, loving and symbiotic. 


I’m a trauma-aware Somatic Therapist, ritualist and coach, and I love creating and holding sacred space for creative, sensitive humans to experience powerful transformation in all areas of life.

My devotion to truth, wholeness, and authentic self-expression has taken me on a wide-ranging journey through the realms of healing, spirituality and embodiment over the last 15 years, which informs my unique approach.

I have a deep trust in the body’s wisdom and life’s natural unfoldment, and weave this with powerful intention to create a potent container for transformation and magic in my clients. 

As I have deepened my connection with my body, our diverse community, the earth, and Life, I am increasingly aware that everything is connected.

How our bodies move through this life is determined by unjust social systems. These oppressive systems are alive in our bodies and create the cultural soup we inhabit, and I’m committed to changing this through my personal process and the work I do with clients. 

I feel the privilege of the social identities I carry as a white cis able-bodied woman in Australia. And my work is the vehicle of my vision through liberating bodies from the trauma of oppression, as much as I can while inhabiting this privileged body.

In work and life, I aim to hold a brave space for collaborative, meaningful and transformative work with diverse individuals, regardless of race, class, gender, sexuality, age, ability or socio-economic status.

I believe my actions/impact will speak louder than my words, and I invite you to check me out for a while to see how I show up and if I’m a fit for you.

And… I’m constantly learning and growing, so I will probably make mistakes and cause harm, and I care deeply about doing better.

I see it as an act of care to be called in, your feedback is welcome.

How I approach sessions

I am an expert in my own journey only. I see our sessions together as a collaboration. My intention is for you to be self-directed and sovereign. I will never ask my clients to do anything I haven’t done. What I will do is be a deep presence for clients to unfold and explore themselves, at their own pace.

Professional Training

- Grief Ritual Training with Francis Weller (2023-2024)
- Co-Facilitator with Wisdom Body Academy (2022-2023)
- Seven Realm Arts Certificate with Anne O Nomis (2022)
- Somatic Therapy Practitioner with Wisdom Body Academy (2021)
- Feminist Coach Theory with Feminist Coach Academy (2021)
- Cert IV Massage Therapy with Q Academy​ (2020)
- Unpack Your Privilege and Gutsy Leadership with Sharyn Holmes (2019)
- Reiki Master Teacher apprenticeship with The Space in Between with Sara Brooke (2017-2018)
- Level 1 Zen Thai Shiatsu with Gwyn Williams (2015)
- 350hr Yoga Teacher Training with My Health Yoga (2014)
- Certified Health Coach with Institute of Integrative Nutrition (2013)
- Certificate IV in Frontline Management (2012)

Personal Development

- Amenti Movemeant Elemental Intensive (2024)
- Astrology and Human Design (2015-ongoing)
- Flourish: The Art of Creative Living with Nicola Newman (2015-2021)
- Erotic Blueprint Breakthrough with Jaiya (2020)
- Plant Spirit Communication with Shamanic Energy Training (2019)
- The Empress and the Dragon with Shamanic Energy Training (2019)
- Sahaj Samadhi Meditation with Art of Living (2018)
- Jade Pleasure with Layla Martin (2015)
- Vipassana Meditation (2014 & 2023)
- Primordial Sound Meditation (2012)