I am Emma.
Somatic Therapist, Coach & Guide
As a trauma-aware Somatic Therapist, coach and guide, I hold sacred space for creative, sensitive humans to experience powerful transformation in all areas of life, through healing trauma, connecting with their inner truth and liberating their self-expression.

Client love

Be wild;
that is how to clear the river.
Clarissa Pinkola Estes
My vision is a world where all beings have the freedom to trust their innate intelligence and wisdom, express their creativity and boundaries with ease, and embody their values and unique soul essence in their life and career.
I’m committed to operate a business in service of my vision, where my values of freedom, inclusivity, creativity, courage and embodiment guide me.
I’m committed to embodying inclusivity, healing trauma, dismantling systems of oppression, and together, growing an emergent future that’s aligned with our natural state. You can read more about my vision and my approach.